вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Our lips met, open and searching.our the tongues, our mutual were affected desire together again, expressing. I reacted to Becca, which pulls me to it, by again meaning bodies shifted and above over it little me raised. Their reaction was, to me to open even further, by pushing far a leg under me, opening its legs and its head to the side rolled and suspended their beginning to me. My lips pursued a way along the edge of their jaw and thrash the upward gradient of their beginning. I pressed the hair away from its ear, while I continued to lean forward of a little, in order the projection/lead of meat Jutting from the side of their head to necken.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

css box layout

This may sound silly, but having lists - and being able to locate those
Lists - can help you keep yourself organized during your move. To help
Make sure you know where all your belongings are, you can print out a
Numbered table with enough space to write the contents of each box.
Once you begin packing, number the boxes and write the contents on your
List by the corresponding number. Also, make lists of supplies you need
To keep in your former residence to clean so you can make sure you have
What you need.

Basically, anything you can write down will be helpful since you will have to do so much during your move. Small things that you could normally remember will be lost in the shuffle of a big move.

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Every Saturday in Kigali the Hash House Harriers meet.The Hash is an international non-competitive running, social, and drinking club. Each week there is a different trail that is planned by two Hashers (the Hares) and marked using flour, small paper shreds or sometimes toilet paper tied to a tree.I love these Saturdays because I get to discover parts of the� Kigali that I normally� would not find on my own.The run is more like a pleasant hike here in Kigali with all the hills, which is also a plus. ��At the end of the trail there is beer, soft drinks and usually some munchies, as well as, some singing and initiations for newcomers. Then when the Hash officially ends there is usually a continuation at a nearby house or bar.


I traveled with the Kigali Hash about a month ago to Gisenyi on Lake Kivu for an East African Hash which had about 60 Hashers from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda running/walking together for the occasion.The Hash hike itself was rather intense and some of the steepest hills I have climbed yet.When I got home it took me a half hour to pull off the little sticky seed pods from my clothesThe lively Ugandan group led us in several songs and an interesting initiation for newcomers (like my housemate Frank) who had to wear a toilet seat around his neck� Then we all hit the dance club until we could not dance anymore� Going home we got upgraded to the business class bus which had a TV.At one point we were stopped for a break and children gathered beside my window.At first I assumed they were staring at me and my friend Linnea, but in fact they were glued to the Karoke gospel video on the TV screen.It was a humorous� ending to a great weekend.


This past week the Hash cut through an area where we walked by banana tree plantations and several fields all filled with kids playing soccer.It was beautiful and involved a bit of adventure fording a stream that had become full after the morning rains. Afterwards we went to a banana beer party in the older part of town.This was my first taste of home brewed banana beer.It has a unique flavor that I canrsquo;t say I like, but I donrsquo;t not-like it either.I definitely enjoyed dancing to the music.There was even a little salsa-like dancing involved, which is always funI really admired the host (an American) who made the banana beer, as it is no easy feat.This is the recipe in case you are interested in trying it out at home:

The Preparation of Banana Beer

������ When the bunches of fruit are ready, cut them.

������ Cover the bunches with banana leaves and leave them in the courtyard to ripen for two or three days.

������ Clean out the pit in which the fruit ripened.

������ Lay banana branches across the top of the pit.

������ Place the bananas on top of the branches.

������ Wrap the bananas in fresh banana leaves and then scatter a layer of earth on top.

������ Put leaves in the ditch under the bananas and set the leaves alight. Leave for three days.

������ Peel the fruit, then crush it, then mix a little water into the pulp.

������ Press the pulp and filter the juice.

������ Grind up a small amount of sorghum.

������ Pour the juice into a large jar and add the sorghum to it.

������ Leave to ferment for three days.

������ The beer is ready to drink.

-Rwanda Bradt Guide 3rd Edition p. 132

Sounds delicious doesnrsquo;t it

There are pictures of this in the Hash Gallery.� Go to USER INFO at the top, select Pictures and then choose the Hash Gallery (on page 2 of 2 of the gallery listings).

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Yep I am going to attempt two write two tables for two drastically different fandoms at once. This one is for the BBC tv show Nathan Barley and centres around the relationship between Dan Ashcroft and his flatmate Jones (played by the very talented Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding respectively. Obsessed, moi?). Check out the show on youtube, itapos;s well fucking weapon.

01.You were right about me.02.I was wrong about you.03.This cancels out the hurt.
04.I need to want you.05.You can be like me.06.I want to need you.
07.Prove it.08.Iapos;m cruel.09.Always wondered what thisapos;d be like.
10.Iapos;m broken.11.Thought I needed this.12.Iapos;m drunk.
13.I want to hurt you.14.Iapos;m awake and youapos;re breathing.15.This is my desperation in action.
16.I want to break you.17.Wish I didnapos;t love you.18.I pity you.
19.This isnapos;t about you at all.20.I hate you, you bitch.21.Youapos;ll do.
22.I hate myself.23.You remind me of me.24.I want you to hate me.
25.You remind me of someone.26.I can be like you.27.Authorapos;s Choice.
28.Authorapos;s Choice.29.Authorapos;s Choice.30.Authorapos;s Choice.

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Isn't this weather great?� You've been studying about weather for a few weeks, and you finally got to see both rain and cooler temperatures.� What kind of front came through Atlanta?

I hope everyone had a great weekend.� I'm looking forward to the next few weeks.

I hope you studied for your spelling test on Monday.� You are getting better and better at learning your challenge words and your spelling words.� Beginning this week, any words that are on the 4th grade spelling list, and that we have already tested on, will need to be spelled correctly on all of your work.� We are not learning these words just for the tests...they are words you will use for the rest of your life.

We are finishing up Frindle this week.We will present our Frindle projects, all questions are due by Monday.� Your packet is due on Wednesday.� We will review what you read on Wednesday and the test will be on Thursday.� I hope you enjoyed the book as much as I did.�

I know that you are reading a new AR book.� You must take (and pass) at least one AR test by Halloween.� Please take it as soon as you finish your book.� Our next book project will be to read a mystery.� I have a special skeleton book report that we will be doing with our mysteries.

We will also be finishing our narratives.� Mrs. Verma will be working with you on your closings.� I will work with you on revisions and editing your work and then we will publish.� I can't wait to read your stories.

We will finish working on subjects and predicates and types of sentences this week.� We will test on both by the end of the week.

In science, we will begin learning about forces and motion AND simple machines.� We will have High Touch/High Tech on Wednesday to introduce simple machines.

We begin studying explorers in social studies.� You read about many explorers in your USA Studies Weekly.� We will learn even more over the next few weeks.

I will be back teaching the class full time starting Wednesday.� I know you will miss having Mrs. Verma teaching, but she will still be here at GM until the middle of November.� She will be helping in our class, as well as observing in other classrooms in the building.

Have a great rest of the weekend and be ready to learn next week

Question of the week:� What would you like to tell Mrs. Verma about her time with us?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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It is sunny and crisp outside. I am LOVING this
I made white tuscan bean soup (NOM NOM) for lunch and some Cadburyapos;s hot chocolate. Heaven :) Perfect autumn food.

Tonight, I believe I will warm up the fireplace with.... Drumroll please.... The first fire of the season Yay

There was no gym-going today, but I shall be there tomorrow. Also, I need to buy a bathing suit. I havenapos;t owned one in years and the hot tub in the locker room would work magic on my muscles after a rough work-out.
Now, the most perfect thing ever would be to own my own hot tub where I could be in hot, bubbly water with my LUSH products.
*mental drool*

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Being with Joe has really put a lot into perspective for me. As much as I�hate how things happened and as much as I�know they shouldnapos;t have happened the way they did... I donapos;t hate him. Heapos;s not the only one who fucked up, thatapos;s for sure. Hating him would be hypocritical and very stupid of me. It not only made me question serious relationships, but what I�want from life in general. Iapos;m not sure I ever even want to get married one day. Not that I�look down on it, itapos;s absolutely nothing like that. I�just know that, especially right now and because of how young I�am, because I still have a lot to experience in order to find out what it is that I�do want... Trying to be so serious in a relationship seems ridiculous at this point in time. How can I�possibly give all of myself to anyone when I�donapos;t even know, fully, who I am yet? Iapos;m not even on my feet. I still need to go back to school. Shit, I�still need to figure out what I�want to go back to school for. I need to focus on getting out of debt.�I need to focus on getting healthy.�I have to worry about me before I�can be there for anyone else. And, you know... Maybe itapos;s the same for Joe. Or maybe not. I�canapos;t really say.�All I�know is that hating him would make me very uncomfortable, deep down, and Iapos;m just not capable of it. Iapos;m not saying itapos;s impossible, in certain relationships, to be able to place the blame somewhere... But I donapos;t think itapos;s right for this one. Am I�saying I�still want to know him? No, not necessarily. We donapos;t work. Even when we tried to be friends, we kinda failed miserably at it. Am I saying that if I saw him somewhere Iapos;d glare at him or completely ignore him? No. Right now Iapos;m pretty much to the point where I�just want to live and let live. It still hurts, definitely. You canapos;t be with someone for that long, invest a lot of yourself into them and try constantly to make it work, without feeling some sadness when it ends. And Iapos;m sure that maybe tomorrow or the next day, or maybe a week from now, I might not feel so good about it. Iapos;m sure there will be times when I either break down, or come close to breaking down again. But itapos;s normal... Iapos;m grieving over the death of something. Right now though, Iapos;m just realizing that from the ashes, things can rise.

I think, once I�have my tonsils taken out and I�get the other things taken care of that I�need to be seen for, Iapos;m going back to school. Regardless of how much debt I�have left to pay... Iapos;m going back. I might take a vacation first, though. One thatapos;s really worth it to me. One that Iapos;ll be more than okay spending most of my savings on. apos;Cause, you know... Why not? :)

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